Learn to Skate/Intro to Hockey

Learn to Skate (LTS) / Intro to Hockey (ITH) developmental program typically runs for three 8-week sessions starting in the fall.

The LTS program is for children with little or no skating experience. This program teaches beginner skating skills through fun and game on-ice activities.

The ITH program is for children with some skating experience, who are interested in experiencing hockey in full equipment for the first time. This program is focused on skill development including skating, stick handling, passing, shooting and small area games.

For additional information about these programs, and for a list of required equipment, please see the Development Program Year 1 descriptions under the Organization tab.


LTS is open to all Tri-Town children ages four through eight who have little or no skating experience. Children younger than age four are welcome to participate in the LTS program as long as they have a parent or guardian that is available for constant and direct supervision.

ITH is open to all Tri-Town children ages four through eight who have some skating experience that are interested in playing hockey for the first time.


Every Saturday @ 9:10am

Session 1 :

September 14 - November 9

*No Session 10/12

Session 2 :

November 23 - January 11

Session 3 :

January 25 - March 15


Essex Sports Center

15 Manning Rd

Middleton, MA 01949

(978) 304-4481


$120 per 8-week Session



• Helmet - Children must wear a helmet at all times on the ice. An HECC approved hockey helmet is preferred but bike and ski helmets are acceptable.

• Skates – Make sure they fit, are sharp and are tied properly. Skates run about 1 size smaller than your shoe size. Sharp edges will help your child turn better. Skates that are tied too tight will hurt while skates that are tied too loose can lead to injury.

• Gloves – A good pair of gloves are a must. Knee/Elbow Pads & Hockey/Ski Pants – These are strongly recommended as the ice is a hard surface.


• Helmet - An HECC approved hockey helmet with full facemask.

• Stick – An ice hockey stick (not a street hockey stick).

• Skates – Make sure they fit, are sharp and are tied properly. Skates run about 1 size smaller than your shoe size. Sharp edges will help your child turn better. Skates that are tied too tight will hurt while skates that are tied too loose can lead to injury.

• Hockey Gloves


• Shin/Elbow Pads – Soccer shin guards are acceptable but not recommended)

• Shoulder Pads

• Hockey Pants

• Groin Area Protector

Volunteering/Skating Opportunity Information

*Parents/Relatives/Caretakers are welcome to volunteer or work with their child/family members during Learn to Skate/Intro to Hockey. However, for liability reasons, no Parents/Relatives/Caretakers are allowed on the ice without Skates and a Helmet. At this time Essex Sports Center does not have the option to rent the required equipment so please plan accordingly. If a Parent/Relative/Caretaker does enter the ice without the required equipment they will be asked to leave immediately.

Thank you for taking the time to read all this information. This year will be challenging and unique, but we are determined to provide a safe and fun environment for you and your child.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to Todd Newman, LTS/ITH Director via email at toddenewman@gmail.com.

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